Mountain Waves: A Cultural Center Inspired by Shanshui Art

Embracing Maotai's Landscape and Culture

Located in Maotai, China, the Mountain Waves cultural center draws inspiration from the traditional Chinese Shanshui paintings, which depict a harmonious relationship between mountains, water, and people. Designed by Di Mo, this project aims to reflect upon, respect, and enhance the qualities of Maotai's rich culture and mountainous landscape.

The site of the cultural center is nestled between two hills, presenting a unique opportunity to engage the natural surroundings in the design process. The mountainous background, resembling waves of mountains, serves as a natural canvas for the project's design. By incorporating Shanshui art principles, Di Mo explores a unique design method that captures the essence of Maotai's cultural and natural heritage.

The design of the Mountain Waves cultural center showcases traditional Chinese architecture prototypes, such as alleys, courtyards, and halls, as spatial features. These elements create a rich and immersive experience for visitors, allowing them to connect with the local culture and appreciate the beauty of the landscape.

Using local fire bricks, perforated metal panels, wood, steel, and glass, the cultural center is a blend of traditional and contemporary materials. The design not only pays homage to the local culture but also embraces modern construction techniques and materials.

The cultural center spans an area of 90m (L) x 100m (W) x varies (H), with an alley width of 10m. The two hills, connected by an alley that "cuts" the cultural center into two parts, create a landscape path. This path allows visitors to seamlessly move through the center, experiencing the space as an extension of the surrounding landscape.

Throughout the design process, Di Mo faced several challenges. The first was how to break down the volume of the building using the logic of "waves" to create a sense of continuity between the natural surroundings and the built environment. The second challenge was to minimize the building's negative impact on the local micro-climate. To address this, a perforated facade was designed, allowing for natural ventilation and reducing energy consumption. Lastly, the design team had to carefully consider the local cultural context and industries to ensure the cultural center would be a valuable addition to the community.

With a duration of two months, the Mountain Waves cultural center was brought to life in Maotai, Guizhou, China. Di Mo conducted extensive research on the site conditions, local culture, and Shanshui art to create a design that seamlessly integrates with its surroundings.

The Mountain Waves cultural center, with its unique blend of traditional and contemporary elements, stands as a testament to the power of design to reflect and enhance the cultural and natural heritage of a place. It serves as a gathering space for the community, inviting visitors to immerse themselves in the beauty of Maotai's landscape and experience the rich cultural traditions of the region.

Image Credits: Di Mo, 2018.

Awards and Accolades: The Mountain Waves cultural center was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the A' Architecture, Building, and Structure Design category in 2023. This prestigious award recognizes designs that demonstrate outstanding creativity, technical skill, and a commitment to improving the quality of life through art, science, design, and technology.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Di Mo
Image Credits: Di Mo, 2018.
Project Team Members: Di Mo
Project Name: Mountain Waves
Project Client: Di Mo

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